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Cheese-stuffed meatballs, more proteins

healthy food recipe

|500 g ground beef (17,6 oz)|2 medium eggs|200g Pecorino (7 oz)|50ml Milk (1,6 oz)|1 teaspoon salt|1 teaspoon all season powder|1 teaspoon garlic powder|1 teaspoon ginger powder|a bunch of parsley, chopped|1 garlic, chopped|1 shallot, chopped‰

MEATBALLS: in a large bowl add all ingredients, make the small medium balls, add cheese in the middle (cheese cubes are around your finger size)


SAUCE: in a medium heat pan add:

1 Table spoon olie oil

1 large onion, chopped

1 garlic clove, minced or chopped

a small cube of fresh ginger, minced

Stir for 2 mins till the mixture turn yellow then add:

690g (24,3 oz) Tomato puree

2 bay leaves

1 Teaspoon dried Italian herbs/parsley

1 teaspoon salt 

Cook for another 2 mins then pour the mixture into the meatball

Cook the meat ball for another 15 mins (medium low heat) or bake it in the oven for 20 mins at 190 degree celcus (374 F)

Eat with pasta, spaghetti, garnish with basilicum leaves and grated parmesan cheese

Watch how to make this on my Youtube
